We Are Ready.


Anne Sweet
I spent most of my career studying top talent in world  I loved developing others and focusing on their strengths.  I have listened to thousands of unique people just like you and helped them on their journey.   Yoga makes imprints on your mind and it is incredibly strong and poirful. it continues to cause us to probe and question.  I love yoga and the yoga lifestyle because it has given to my life so much abundance and impacted every decision I have made!  in each challenging decision I try to use my yogic knowledge to assist in the outcome. 


Mary Clare Sweet
My yoga practice began when i read a yoga book and begged my mom to teach me what she knew! I have been practicing for over 15 years and to this day, it is the anchor of my life. I own Lotus House of Yoga, vinyasa studios in Nebraska. My prayer for you is that  you are able to let go of your comfortability and experience the magic. For when you do, you will remember that it lives inside you always. Life is an incredible mirror, a fountain that bathes your soul, to reveal the truth of your soul. This energy lives inside! Sat Nam!!!